100 Club

January draw

The draw for entries made in the month of January for the GCC 100 Club was held this evening, witnessed by club treasurer Heather Crawford.

The winners were as follows :-

January Draw
· 1st prize – £78.75 (25%) – No 1030 – Gary Chadwick
· 2nd prize – £47.25 (15%) – No 1070 – Paul Mounfield
· 3rd prize – £31.50 (10%) – No 1160 – Wes Young

The draw for entries made in February will be made in the first week of March.

The 100 Club only costs £5 per month, if you would like to support the club in this way please email me at gccclub100@gmail.com and I will send you details on how to join.

Alternatively, if you would like to pay £30 or £60 for 6 or 12 months respectively, do this by paying at our SumUp store at the following link: Greenmount Cricket Club (sumupstore.com)

We pay out 50% of the monthly take so prize money will continue to increase as the number of members increases.

The 100 Club was set up in June 2020 and has provided £9.9k of funding for the club since then.

It helped the club significantly during the early days of the Covid pandemic and continues to be a valuable source of income on a monthly basis. Your support is very much appreciated.

Please also remember that you don’t have to be a member to join the GCC 100 Club, so family members and friends are more than welcome.

ROB KILVINGTON (Administrator for the GCC 100 Club)

Monday, February 10th, 2025