The Third Degree

With the evergreen DAVE MASON…

Name: Dave Mason

Nickname(s): DG

Batsman? Bowler? Allrounder? How would you describe your game? Slow bowler who thought he could bat a bit! Decent fielder.

What got you interested in cricket? When Walshaw Sports Club moved to their new ground in the early 1970’s I used to go watching, and joined the junior section. Was coached and encouraged by the Goolam Abed who was the club’s professional at the time.

Who was/is your all-time cricketing hero? Ian Botham (ball). David Gower (bat). Derek Randall (fielding).

Who is your favourite current professional cricketer? Jos Buttler.

Who is the best player you have played with (both professional and amateur)? Got to say Aussie legend Mark Taylor who was, and remains, the most grounded modest guy despite all his success. The club did so well to get him in 1988. I was fortunate to play with some very good amateurs: Andy Williams, John Ashworth and Phil Heaton spring to mind but many others too.

Who is the opponent you most admired as a player? Too many to mention – usually opposition batters who got the better of me!

What was/is your favourite away ground? Farnworth Social Circle… I usually did okay there.

What is the most memorable match you played in? Probably winning the 100th Bolton Association Cross Cup final while professional at Golborne.

What has been your personal ‘champagne moment’? Getting 9 for 53 in the above game :0)

What is the funniest thing you have seen on a cricket pitch? Looking back, I probably took it all far too seriously. So all the funny stuff was off the field.

Did/do you have any superstitions? Not really… although there have been plenty of times when I thought I had broken mirrors/walked under ladders etc when catches went down!

If you could go on a night out with three cricketing celebrities, who would they be and why? I am going for the Greenmount ‘Holy Trinity’ of Neville Neville, Derek Kay and Terry Stewart. The stories, the banter, the beer and the fags… True club legends!