Juniors reap rewards on presentation night

The record breaking 2023 junior cricket season was brought to an end with last Friday’s presentation evening.

A full house at the Log Cabin was host to a fitting celebration of the season.

The Under 13’s and Under 15’s were both presented with their Lancashire Junior League Championship trophies.

The following awards were presented by the coaching team and the evening’s sponsors:

Under 9’s Player of the year Josh Riley
Under 11’s Player of the year James Herbert
Under 13’s Batting award Ben Clarke
Under 13’s Bowling award Ben Clarke
Under 13’s Player of the year Freya Franklin
Under 15’s Batting award Max Birtwistle
Under 15’s Bowling award Ewan Malone
Under 15’s Player of the year Jonty Whitehead

Cricket club chairman Andy Skinner was on hand to present the club’s two prestigious awards. The evenings compère John Stevens explained to the attentive crowd that the Malcolm Grime award and the Pauline Rigby award were given to the player for a blend of exceptional performance and also making an outstanding contribution to the club as a role model.

The Malcolm Grime award – Rupert Hallows

The Pauline Rigby award – Max Birtwistle

The evening was finished off with a serving of Chris Harrison’s food and Greenmount Ice Creams Bubblegum flavoured specials.

The DJ then filled the dance floor but when asked to join in the Chairman ended the season with the words that greeted the players in April “no chance!”

Max Birtwistle was presented with the Under 15’s League Championship Trophy from John Stevens

Finally the club would like to thank all of the evening’s sponsors:

Woodstock Security

AGM Services

DocTech Ltd

The Carpet Mill

Northern Star Lifestyle Financial Planning

Eclipse Digital Solutions

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