As we move towards 19th July and ‘Freedom Day’, I just wanted to let you know that I will be confirming the changes that we will be implementing as a result of this in my next newsletter which will be out over the weekend.

Before then can I just remind members that all covid regulations remain in force at the club and ask that everyone continues to abide by them and don’t come to the club if they are experiencing any symptoms.
We have experienced a slight increase in positive tests for staff since the weekend and have been advised that some members who were at the club for the Euro 2020 final on Sunday night have now tested positive.
If you were in the function room on Sunday night it might be wise to take a lateral flow test if you aren’t ordinarily taking them for work purposes just to be on the safe side.
As I noted I’ll be updating you all on our plans for the rest of the summer in my next newsletter which is due this weekend, in the meantime please take care.