New membership cards – important info

The new till system will be installed on Monday, February 24th and from that date it will be a requirement that all members provide their new membership card when making a purchase from the bar.

Cards need to be swiped on the till by the bar staff which will show the members’ name and automatically discount bar prices.

New cards are ready for collection from the club.

  1. The membership year for everyone will still run from April 1st to March 31st
  2. You will still receive a renewal email in Feb/March each year
  3. If you do not renew by March 31st each year, your membership will show as deactivated on the till from April 1st. Thereafter, it will only be activated from the date you renew
  4. You will NOT receive a new card each membership renewal
  5. Members cannot give their cards to anyone else to use and the card can be confiscated if misused
  6. If you lose your card it can be replaced but there will be a £2.50 fee

We would ask for your help and patience so that we can implement the new system as smoothly as possible and for members to use their cards as they are intended.

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